Resident Information Form

Resident Information Form

系統說明 | Remarks

  1. 所有學生住宿生,應在宿舍進住前完成填寫,列印後,在辦理宿舍進住時繳交。
    All residents should fill-in and print it out, then hand in while checking in.
  2. 住宿資料卡請注意填寫,列印後資料將不能修改,但可以重複列印。
    Please fill in The Resident Information Card carefully. The information cannot be modified after printing, but The Information Card can be printed repeatedly.
  3. 學生宿舍住宿資料卡系統操作流程教學 (The Resident Information Card Registration Guide): PDF
  4. 大頭照檔案限制300KB,如需瘦身可參考使用免費軟體Windows, APP: 照片調整器, photo resizer. ( Zh-hant | English);Google Squoosh大頭照瘦身教學(中文)。
    There is a 300KB file size limit. Recommended free software(photo resizer) for compressing the file size. Windows / APP (photo resizer: English).