

宿舍自修室資訊 | Study Hall in Ching-Yeh Dorm 1

  • 敬一舍自修閱覽室席次:104席。
    Seating Capacity: 104
  • 自修室位置:敬一舍自修室位於敬業一舍地下一樓(請步行至敬一舍後方走入地下室)
    Location: B1F of Ching-Yeh Dorm 1
  • 敬一舍開放時間:周一至周日09:00-22:00。國定假日、停電,或人事行政局發佈之停班、停課日:不開放(期末考周前彈性開放時間以現場為準。)
    Open Hours:
    • Semester Period: Monday to Sunday 09:00-22:00.
    • National holidays and its deferred or bridge holidays: Closed.
    • Winter & summer vacations: Announced separately.
    • Adjustments to the opening hours for special conditions shall be implemented with prior notice of Housing Service Division.
  • 敬一舍自修室聯絡分機:37000。
    Contact number: 06-275-7575# 37000

重要網站 | Useful Sites

  1. 學生宿網申請
    Internet Access | NCKU Computer and Network Center | 成功大學-計算機與網路中心
  2. 住宿費帳單
    Dorm fee bill | 台灣銀行-學雜費網
  3. 線上繳費平台
    NCKU Bill | 線上繳費平台(繳費機)

宿舍自治委員會 | Dorm Committee

  1. 宿舍自治委員會介紹
    Introduction | 成功大學-宿舍自治委員會
  2. 成大宿委會FB
  3. 宿委選舉投票 | Committee member election
    Voting system | 成功大學-宿舍自治委員 選舉投票系統

住宿資料查詢 | Accommodation Information Inquiry

  1. 住宿床位查詢
    Accommodation arrangement | 學生住宿資料
  2. 住宿記點查詢
    Bonus & violation points | 學生住宿記點紀錄
  3. 宿舍待繳費用查詢
    Unpaid Accommodation Bills Inquiry System
  4. 新生入學體檢查詢
    Freshman Physical Examination | 須完成新生入學體檢才能申請住宿
  5. 住宿資料卡查詢 (保全 | 學生幹部)
    RIC. for Guard | 保全人員檢核住宿生用。

大學部床位申請 | On-campus Housing Application for Undergraduate Program

  1. 大學部舊生床位申請
    Drawing application for returning student | 大學部舊生之床位抽籤登記
  2. 大學部新生床位申請
    Drawing application for incoming students | 大學部新生之床位抽籤登記
  3. 特殊床位保留申請
    Accommodation reservation application | 申請特殊床位
  4. 空床位補宿登記
    Waiting list application | 空床位補宿
  5. 線上床位選填
    Room registration | 大學部舊生抽籤及空床位補宿申請,床位抽籤後,中籤學生選填床位
  6. 優良記點與加權值兌換表
    Enforcement Rules for Reward Points | 抽籤使用優良記點說明

研究所床位申請 | On-campus Housing Application for Graduate Program

  1. 碩士班床位申請
    Drawing application for master degree students | 含碩士班新舊生之床位抽籤登記
  2. 博士班床位申請
    Drawing application for doctoral degree students | 含博士班新舊生之床位抽籤登記
  3. 研究生續住申請
    Accommodation reservation application for boarding students | 已有住宿之研究生續住登記
  4. 空床位補宿登記
    Waiting list application | 無住宿床位之研究生補宿登記

不分學籍的床位申請 | On-campus Housing Application

  1. 寒假留宿申請
    Winter stay application | 寒假住宿
  2. 暑假留宿申請
    Summer stay application | 暑假住宿
  3. 國際來校交換生及學位新生住宿申請
    On-Campus Accommodation Application for Incoming International Degree & Exchange Students


  1. 宿舍提前進住申請
    Early check-in application | 上/下學期提前進住申請
  2. 轉宿換宿申請
    Room Transferring application | 轉宿換宿

其他項目 | Other

  1. 簽署住宿契約
    Housing contract signing | 住宿契約書
  2. 學生宿舍住宿資料卡
    Resident Information Card | 住宿資料卡
  3. 學生宿舍修繕通報
    Dormitory repair reporting system | 學生宿舍修繕通報
  4. 學生宿舍期中電費帳單
    Electricity bill application and payment record inquiry | 學生宿舍期中電費帳單查詢/申請
  5. 校內住宿補貼暨低收減免申請
  6. 離宿預約
    Dormitory check-out reservation | 離宿預約
  7. 宿舍熱水問卷
    Survey on Bath Water Supply Hours | 宿舍熱水開放時間問卷